Offering Allergy, Asthma & Sinus Care
in the Burlington & Greensboro, NC Area
The physicians and staff are pleased that you have chosen to find out more about LeBauer Medical Center: Allergy, Asthma & Sinus Care and the services we offer the Burlington and Greensboro, NC areas. Meet our physicians: Ranjan Sharma, MD., Meg A. Whelan, MD., and R. Christopher Van Winkle, MD. Eugene S. LeBauer, MD. retired on December 30, 2012.
The primary focus of our practice is the evaluation of all illnesses of an allergic nature, such as asthma symptoms, hayfever, hives, sinusitis, bee stings, skin allergies, environmental allergies, and food sensitivity. Through a comprehensive evaluation, that may include skin testing, our physicians will develop a custom treatment plan to address the specific needs of the patient.
LeBauer Allergy & Asthma will also offer treatment for seasonal allergies and pollen allergies, which can inundate patients with nagging, unpleasant symptoms that can bother them for weeks during certain times of the year. Options we offer include allergy pills and allergy shots that have proven to be stronger and more effective than over-the-counter allergy medications. Let us help you overcome your allergy symptoms.